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Thursday, 27 August 2009

The culprit


I never knew Mother’s recipe marketed this. And never for sure knew, that I could find it in Sydney! And this, lovely jar of magic is responsible for the extra helpings of rice on my plate. Am sure next time a friend sees me in India and wants to hug me, her arms can’t ‘hold’ all of me. But who’s complaining, there is more of me to love, no?

3 foodie comments:

phish phish said...

arre never knew they had a bengali pickle...never seen this in India :D

Rupz said...

I have never seen this one ! Kothae pele ? I must come over to your Indian grocer ... hehe can't wait to lay my hands on this.

The Ketchup Girl said...

@phish phish : ma told me the same thing :)

@rupz: Flemington!!!! There are plenty of indian and srilankan shops. found it there :D